My blog has 84,437 pageviews, I thought I would hold a contest to see if
we can hit 100,000 pageviews. I have posts on this blog dating back to October 2009.
Wow! This was my first and only blog for so long.
I've kept it up for everyone to use the tutorials on it.
So on that note,here are the details.
Contest dates: April 2nd-30th
You must try one of my tutorials on this blog.
Send me a finished tag & tutorial link so I know
which one you tried.
You can enter more than once too but you cannot
win more than once.
Your tags DO NOT have to be exactly like mine either.
Put your own style or flair on the tag.
Please put Sarah on the tag sent to me.
AND also send a snag tag. I'll post the snag tags on
here after the contest closes & winners are announced.
Prizes you say?
Well okay if you say so lol
I'll choose 3 winners after the contest closes.
Winners will get tubes from company of choice.
I'll figure out the breakdown of prizes later lol.
To send my tags:
Pleae include your name & email in the email also.
All tags must be copyright legal of course!
Everyone is welcome to enter - all tag levels & abilites!

ooo I am gonna try this and I grabbed your blinkie. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteMe too, great selection of tuts ;-)